Network Services
Which Are the Types of Data Center Network Architecture?

Which Are the Types of Data Center Network Architecture?

Nowadays, technologies are central to our lives; we have everything virtually. We are so dependent upon this technology. But just like AI technology (Artificial Intelligence) can’t compete with the human brain because it’s the human brain who made this technology, every virtual network can’t run if there is no physical source behind it. Besides human efforts, the characteristics of a virtual network are directly or indirectly dependent upon the physical network; that’s why while designing any virtual network, it’s difficult to neglect the actual physical network.

What is Network Architecture?

The way network devices and services are arranged to serve the connectivity needs of users’ devices is called network architecture. Network architecture is how computers are organized and how they get their tasks. They usually comprise of:

  • Network devices and services include switches, routers, DNS, DHCP
  • User devices include servers and intelligent things

Types of Network Architecture

Two of the most popular types of network architecture are:

Peer-To-Peer (P2P) Network Architecture:

In the Peer-to-peer (P2P) type of network architecture, the tasks are given to all network members. This is also called distributed network architecture or workgroup without hierarchy. Peer-to-peer network architecture has special software that allows it for communication.

Client/Server Network Architecture:

In client /server network architecture, clients can request the service from one network on several networks. In this type of network architecture, one or multiple network servers organize and give them the services they want.

Components of Network Architecture:

Some essential components of network architecture follow:

  • Intent-based networking (IBN):
  • Controller -led
  • Multidomain

What is a Data Center Network Architecture?

The physical and logical layout of resources and tools within the data center area is called data center architecture. It includes hardware components of the network as well as software platforms. Network Architecture in the data center is always organized with the help of network engineers by network managers. It provides a detailed outline of the network of the data center.

Network architecture is used to classify all network layers step by step with the description of each layer. Data Center Network (DCN) architecture is the main element of a data center. Data Center architecture is fundamental and acts as a backbone of communication. That’s why it requires extreme consideration.

Types of Data Center Network Architecture

Switch-Centric Datacenter Network Architecture Models

The switch-centric Data Center Network (DCN) architecture models are based on the switch networks. That’s why in a model of Switch-centric data center network architecture, routing intelligence is placed on switches. These switch networks cause communication in the network. There are usually three-tier architecture models, Multi-tier architecture models, and fat-tree-based architecture included in a switch-centric network architecture model.

Three-tier Architecture Model:

The three-tier data center network architecture model is also called the Hierarchical Inter-networking model. There are three layers present in this model.

Access Layer:

It is also called the Edge layer. Access switches are also called ToR switches because they are present at the top of the rack, physically connected to a server.

Aggregation Layer:

It is also called the Distribution layer. The aggregation switch connects with the access switch. This provides other services such as firewall, network analysis, etc.

Core layer:

The core switch provides high speed to the packets entering and leaving the data center. The core switch also provides connectivity to the multiple aggregation layers. It gives an L3 routing flexible network to an entire system.

Multi-Tier Network Architecture Model

The multi-tier model uses software that runs a separate process on the same device or a different device with the help of IPC. It includes:

  • Web-server
  • Application server
  • Database server

Fat Tree Data Center Architecture Model

Fat-tree data center architecture model aims to provide a 1:1 oversubscription ratio. (Oversubscription refers to optimizing the expenses of system layout).

Hybrid Data Center Architecture Models

Hybrid data center architecture models used servers and a switch for packet forwarding. These models use a mixture of servers and switches to attain communication. The Hybrid Data Center architecture model allows any organization to expand the data into cloud services. The hybrid data center architecture model is the DCell hybrid data center network architecture model. 

Dcell Hybrid Data Center Architecture Model:

DCell hybrid data center architecture model comprises commodity servers and mini switches.

Server-Centric Data Center Architecture:

The essential components of Server-Centric Data Center architecture models are servers. Server-Centric Datacenter network architecture models do not use any switches and routers for communication.

BCube Data Center Network Architecture:

BCube data center architecture is based on the server-centric database network Architecture containing servers with several network ports connected to multiple layers of COTS (called a commodity off the shelf). BCube speeds up one-to-one, one-to-several, and one-to-all traffic patterns and aids several bandwidth applications. This network architecture provides high network capacity for all-to-all traffic. And, also aids various bandwidth-intensive applications.

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