Network Services
What are the Latest Trends in Networking?

What are the Latest Trends in Networking?

The importance of networking has been recognized over time. It is believed that in the next decade, the term “digital transformation” will mean more than just a catchy phrase as these diverse technologies join in building cohesive systems. To put it another way, it is thought that IT will fundamentally alter how we do our business shortly. Resilience will be a crucial concept in the future.

Business strategies and technology will be abundant in the new normal to help companies remain ahead of the next great “thing.” With all the fascinating IoT and IIoT device development, technology steadily rises into the 90W delivery area. As single-pair Ethernet improves, we will see a simplifying potential soon as well. Frontom has data center networking solutions you can rely on to advance your business. We promise to offer high speed and safer connectivity. Advanced network infrastructure can tackle network-oriented applications.

It has been a topic of conversation that what are the latest trends in networking? Let us have a look at some of them.

What are Network Technologies?

Network technology is a way to link computers and other electronic devices. In terms of network technology, the following are the most important. Network equipment like routers, modems, adapters, and the like are all described in terms of network technology, including anything from cable to wireless.

Private and public networks, or “intranets” and “extranets,” are essential topics in network technology. All forms of network technology, from texting to video conferencing, are available tools for communication.

What are the Latest Trends in Networking?

With the ever-increasing data needs of consumers and businesses alike, the networking industry is constantly updating its hardware and software components. We see an increase in the number of networking scenarios, and solutions like cloud, IoT, and edge computing technologies continue to rise, which are the latest trends in networking.

Top 2 Latest Trends in Computer Networking 2022

Wi-Fi 6 and 5G Wireless Networks

The hallmarks of cellular technology, which is in its fifth Generation, or 5G, offer increased speed, decreased latency, and improved wireless service adaptability. Companies may use it to expand automation, mobilize workers and enable new applications by boosting network capacity and data rates.

Open roaming across cellular and Wi-Fi networks is now possible with 5G. Many wireless devices connecting at once are a problem, and IoT worsens by slowing down wireless network performance. To use the Wi-Fi 6 infrastructure, producers of Wi-Fi 6-capable products like PCs and mobile phones must implement new standards.

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

AI and ML may solve complex network and business issues in real-time. A wide range of application cases is covered, including anything from tiny towns to industrial plants to government agencies. ML and AI can produce predictions based on network data, and these predictions may be used to execute intelligent actions. 

Self-operating networks will be a possible wonder to advanced analytics in automation systems.

Top 2 Networking Trends For 2022

SD-WAN, 5G cellular, Wi-Fi 6, AI enablement, and network automation were the main emphasis topics in networking in 2022. Because these technologies provide real technical benefits for enterprises, they will continue to be essential areas of study in 2022. The latest trends in networking are discussed below:


SD-WAN has grown more critical as companies’ close physical offices favor a hybrid model or a fully-fledged work-from-home (WFH) strategy. Increasing numbers of enterprises made WFH permanent, redefining the network edge. While VPNs were typically used as a point-to-point solution for remote workers, as the network edge stretched into employees’ homes, they were replaced with always-on SD-WAN gadgets.

Increasingly dispersed organizations are accelerating their migration to SD-WAN to provide a better user experience and increase security for their WFH employees.

6th Generation Wireless LAN

Many firms that planned to migrate to Wi-Fi 6 in 2021 or 2022 have encountered difficulties with the shift. The move to WFH has drastically altered the commercial real estate market. More and more offices are closing, and the ones that remain open tend to witness a decrease in the number of employees.

There is less requirement for device density in the new commercial real estate realities thanks to Wi-Fi 6. Wi-Fi 6 will continue to rise on the consumer side, particularly with WFH. The small cost of upgrading to the new technology may be more readily justified by the need for home-based workers for increased bandwidth.

Future Trends in Networking


It’s just a matter of time until the networking business gets the attention it deserves. In the ever-changing world of technology, annual patterns may be seen in the advancement of our devices. Trends play a prominent and crucial role in every business, particularly in the technology sector. 

New goods, services, and breakthroughs are made possible because of their contributions, and we all benefit from them regularly. Customers will benefit greatly from these new developments in networking.

  • IoT gadgets in our houses
  • Computing that is accessible to everyone
  • Voice over Internet Protocol

Final Verdict

Cloud computing, telecommuting, edge computing, 5G, and Wi-Fi are just a few current networking developments. Recent research focuses on security, quickness, and keeping up with the competition. When it comes to the use of networking technologies, every user should know what the latest trends in networking are. Some top trends of networking in 2021 are discussed along with future trends in this article. 

Network technology future research includes virtual reality communication, which is being hailed as the next big thing.

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