Storage Infrastructure
Data Backup and Recovery Services

Data Backup and Recovery Services

Your business can get hit by unplanned drawbacks or a data security breach. That can cause irreversible disruption to business workflows and operations. Data backup and recovery services improve data protection for organizational apps, information, and network servers. You can effectively protect your business from data loss and detrimental downtime.

What is Data Backup and Recovery?

Data backup entails copying your data to different storage channels at predetermined intervals and capacities. It includes setting up flexible data backup operations using in-house architecture or Backup as a Service.

Data recovery involves using data backup to restore data that has been accidentally deleted, corrupted, or lost. It is achieved by storing files and information across different platforms.

What is Disaster Recovery?

Disaster recovery services include a blueprint outlining an organization’s plan to avoid downtime and respond to data loss such as natural disasters, power outages, and cyberattacks. Our Data center managed services ensure that you restore operations quickly.

Disaster recovery services help companies minimize losses by responding to drawbacks effectively. They outline resource allocation during disasters, including official policies, roles, and procedures to take when navigating the aftermath of data damage.

Unwarranted disasters can cause fatal damages that spread across your entire organization, including squashing productivity, disrupting revenue flow, and damaging your brand’s reputation. A disaster recovery plan can help your business avoid downtime and data loss. It outlines effective data backup and data recovery protocols. 

An effective disaster recovery plan addresses all aspects of your business workflows, including building accessibility and network outages.

Why Does My Business Need Backup and Disaster Recovery Services?


Data backup and recovery services are crucial for effective data management and business continuity. Some important reasons for you to implement a data backup and disaster recovery plan include:

Protecting Business Workflows:

Identifying all your business processes and implementing a disaster recovery plan helps maintain uptime business operations.

Business processes like product creation, customer service delivery, and safety management should be prioritized. An effective disaster recovery service should focus on ensuring business continuity.

Minimize Data Loss:

Data backup and recovery services help prevent permanent losses when your data gets compromised. It can happen randomly, for instance, when hackers break into your network, accidental deletion, or simple data corruption. Sometimes, physical damage to your data centers, such as fires or power cuts, may cause unnecessary data loss.

Maintain Uninterrupted Operations: 

It’s not just data loss that you have to worry about. Data recovery is essential because it helps you resume operations quickly when a disaster stops your business workflow. For instance:

  1. Heavy storms cause widespread power outages. It prevents businesses from running everyday operations.
  2. Part of a physical data center is engulfed in fire or other forms of damage that prevent working on-site until repairs get finished.

Avoiding Data Prolonged Downtime: 

Unattended ransomware attacks can cause downtime for days or even weeks if you have no data backup and data recovery plan. It can have a fatal impact on business productivity. Disaster recovery services help keep losses minimal.

Business Reputation Protection: 

Loss of sensitive data, such as personal client information, can cause severe damage to your organization’s reputation. It could even trigger a public relations disaster that destroys customers’ trust in your business because you cannot secure their data and keep it safe. Disaster recovery services prevent consumer agitation and preserve your business’ reputation by maintaining confidence in services.

Random interruptions to service accessibility can frustrate customers and potentially cause them to look for better alternatives. Your clients will look for a more efficient service provider to replace you if you cannot promise them continuity. More often than not, those lost clients will go for good.

DRaaS (Disaster Recovery as a Service)

Disaster recovery entails a data backup cloud service model that allows organizations to store copies of data and IT infrastructure using third-party cloud computing services. It includes complete disaster recovery orchestration delivered using a Software as a Service solution. SaaS allows you to maintain access to your data after a fatal drawback.

The best part is that you do not have to be a technical expert to implement an effective disaster recovery service. Your DRaaS provider will manage all aspects for you. They provide the frameworks needed to ensure adequate preparation for unplanned disasters.

Some Notable Aspects of Effective DRaaS include:

  • Quick disaster recovery solutions, with little to no need for your technical input
  • Rapid recovery with flexible solutions that help you avoid downtime
  • All-inclusive billing options
  • Automatic data backup and data recovery of essential business databases

RTO, RPO, and Data Recovery

Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO) are household names when talking about disaster recovery. 

  1. RTO refers to the time it takes an organization to restore the functionality of its IT infrastructure after an unplanned disaster.
  2. RPO underlines the total number of transactions destroyed after a disaster before the complete recovery of your IT infrastructure.

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